Miscellaneous Calculators
Height Converter

Height Converter

With the height converter tool, you can easily convert height to cm. Convert between US units and metric units.


56 inches = 142.24 cm
56 cm = 22.047 inches or 1 ft 10.05 inches

There was an error with your calculation.

Table of Contents

  1. Using the Height Converter
  2. Height Conversion Formulas
    1. Feet to Inches Conversion
    2. Inches to Centimeters Conversion
    3. Centimeters to Inches Conversion
    4. Centimeters to Feet Conversion
    5. Feet to Centimeters Conversion
  3. Height Converter Application
  4. Height Measurements
  5. Height Changes in Adulthood
  6. Height Changes in Old Age
  7. Maintaining a Healthy Height
  8. Conclusion

Height Converter

When it comes to measuring height, it can be tricky to navigate the different units of measurement used around the world. That's where the height converter comes in. This powerful tool allows you to easily convert your height to centimeters from feet and inches, or vice versa convert height to feet and inches from centimeters. It facilitates the height conversion from units such as feet and inches, commonly used in the United States, to the metric system of meters and centimeters, widely adopted by many other countries.

Whether you're a medical professional or a fashion designer, height conversion can be an essential part of your work. With just a few clicks, you can quickly and accurately convert your height to centimeters, and be confident in the results.

So why waste time with manual calculations or guesswork when you can use a tool specifically designed for height conversion? Get your hands on the height converter today and start converting your height to centimeters with ease!

Using the Height Converter

To use the height converter tool:

  • Enter your height in the appropriate format.
  • If you are using imperial units (feet and inches), enter your height as "6 feet 2 inches".
  • If you use metric units (centimeters), enter your height as "170 cm."

After you have entered your height and clicked the "Calculate" button, the height converter will instantly give you the value in imperial and metric units.

If you are used to measuring your parameters in feet and inches the calculator will convert height to cm or centimeters. Conversely, if you do most of your daily calculations in centimeters and meters, the converter will instantly show you these measurements in feet and inches.

The height converter rounds up the obtained data to hundredths.

Height Conversion Formulas

Having a clear idea of the formulas and calculations used in the conversion process when using converters is helpful. Of course, the calculator can make the process of height to centimeter conversion easier, but if we know how the basic calculations work, we'll better understand the results.

Let's look at the formulas used for the height conversion.

Feet to Inches Conversion

One foot = 12 inches.

Suppose your height is 6 feet and 4 inches. In that case, we can convert it to inches by multiplying 6 by 12 and adding 4, which gives us 76 inches.

6 feet and 4 inches = (6 × 12) + 4 = 76 inches

Inches to Centimeters Conversion

1 inch = 2.54 centimeters.

For example, your height is 76 inches. We can convert your height to cm by multiplying it by 2.54, which gives you 193.04 centimeters, or around 193 centimeters.

76 inches = 76 × 2.54 = 193.04 centimeters or around 193 centimeters

Centimeters to Inches Conversion

1 centimeter = 0.393701 inch.

Let's say you're 162 centimeters tall. To convert that to inches, we can multiply 162 by 0.393701 and get 63.779562 inches. Rounded off, that's about 64 inches.

162 centimeters = 162 × 0.393701 = 63.779562 inches or around 64 inches

Centimeters to Feet Conversion

One centimeter = 0.0328084 feet.

If your height is 162 centimeters, we can convert that to feet by multiplying 162 by 0.0328084. We get 5.3149608 feet. Or approximately 5.3 feet.

162 centimeters = 162 × 0.0328084 = 5.3149608 feet or around 5.3 feet

Feet to Centimeters Conversion

One foot = 30.48 centimeters.

Suppose your height is 6 feet. In this case to measure your height in centimeters you should multiply this number by 30.48.

6 feet = 6 × 30.48 = 182.88 centimeters or around 183 centimeters

Height Converter Application

In healthcare, the ability to accurately convert units of measurement can be important for accurate diagnosis and treatment of patients. Body mass index (BMI), calculated by measuring height and weight, is a critical indicator of overall health and can identify potential health risks. And unit translation skills can be useful for calculating prescription medication dosages and monitoring the growth and development of children.

In architecture and engineering, the translation of imperial and metric units is important to ensure the accuracy and functionality of building plans and designs. This is especially useful when working on international projects where different units of measurement can be used.

In the fashion industry, the ability to convert units of measurement can come in handy for ensuring proper fit and sizing of clothing. Such clothes will fit a variety of body types and sizes for consumers around the world.

Height Measurements

Height is one of the most commonly measured anthropometric characteristics. It is often used as an indicator of general health.

The height depends on a combination of genetic and environmental factors. Genetics plays a vital role in determining a person's potential height because specific genes affect growth and development.

What people eat, how much they exercise, and their general health also impacts their final height.

During childhood and adolescence, the body experiences rapid growth. This period is known as the "growth spurt". Hormones such as growth hormone and testosterone play a vital role in this process.

Good nutrition, especially a diet rich in protein and other essential nutrients, is also important for growth.

At the end of the growth spurt stage, usually at age 18 for women and 21 for men, the body reaches its maximum growth potential. Then comes the so-called plateau stage, when growth slows down and stops.

Height Changes in Adulthood

As we grow older, certain physiological changes can affect our growth. One of the most common factors leading to reduced growth in adulthood is decreased bone density, commonly referred to as osteoporosis. This disease can lead to a decrease in spinal bone volume, which entails a decrease in overall growth.

Another critical factor is spinal compression, which occurs when the discs in the spine are compressed. This can be caused by a variety of factors, such as poor posture, injury, or degenerative diseases such as osteoarthritis.

Improper nutrition, chronic diseases and taking certain medications can also contribute to reduced growth. But there are exercises and treatments that can lead to a slight increase in height, even in adulthood.

These include hanging exercises that can help stretch the spine, stretching exercises such as yoga and Pilates that can improve flexibility and posture, chiropractic care that can align the spine and improve posture, massage therapy that can increase circulation, and hormone therapy that can increase growth hormone levels.

It is important to remember, however, that these methods can lead to a slight increase in growth, but will not lead to significant changes.

Height Changes in Old Age

Over the years, the rate of change in growth can accelerate. The main causes are the same as in adulthood: decreased bone density, known as osteoporosis, and spinal compression. As we age, the discs in the spine can lose fluid and shrink, resulting in reduced growth. This can also cause pain and discomfort in the lower back.

In addition to these physical factors, height changes in older people can be caused by degenerative diseases such as arthritis or scoliosis. These can cause joint and spine misalignment, resulting in decreased height.

The consequences of changes in height in old age can be significant. Height loss can make it difficult for seniors to perform everyday tasks, such as making it harder for them to reach objects on high shelves or even get out of bed. Height loss can also affect a senior's self-esteem and overall quality of life. It can make them feel cramped or unable to participate in activities they used to enjoy due to decreased mobility.

It is worth noting that not all seniors experience a significant loss of height. However, for those who do, it is essential to address the underlying causes and take steps to prevent further loss of height. This may include engaging in exercises to strengthen bones and muscles and treating conditions that contribute to growth loss.

Maintaining a Healthy Height

Regular exercise, a healthy diet, and good posture can help you maintain healthy growth.

Exercise, especially weight-bearing exercises like weightlifting and running, can help strengthen bones and slow the loss of bone density. During exercises, we stretch and strengthen our muscles, improve blood circulation in tissues, and develop joints and tendons.

For normal development and growth, the body needs to consume a sufficient amount of nutrients, useful trace elements and vitamins. Taking vitamins B, A, C, and D along with a healthy lifestyle can help your body grow or maintain height. The vitamins can be purchased individually or as a complex in the form of capsules. It is advisable to consult a doctor before starting to take them.

Maintaining proper posture can also help prevent height loss. Sitting or standing with poor posture can, over time, cause compression of the spine. We can decrease the risk of spinal compression and improve posture through exercises that strengthen the back and core muscles.

Avoiding smoking and drinking too much alcohol might also maintain height. Smoking is linked to decreased bone density, and excessive alcohol consumption can contribute to poor nutrition and bone health. Also, most of bad habits block growth hormone and disrupt metabolic processes in the human body.

The sleep regime also plays a significant role in our height. The hormone responsible for human growth is produced during sleep. It is necessary to sleep for about 8 hours, and you should go to bed before 23:00. It is interesting that sleeping during the day will not give the same result, because the hormone is activated at night.

It's also important to know your family history and genetic predisposition to diseases that can affect height. Suppose you have a family history of osteoporosis or other conditions that can contribute to height decrease. In this case, taking preventive steps like regularly checking your bone density and living a healthy lifestyle is essential.

In general, although height change is a natural part of the aging process, there are steps you can take to maintain healthy height. We can maintain it by adhering to a healthy lifestyle, eating nutrient-rich foods, and taking care of our bones.


A height converter is a must-have tool for anyone who needs to figure out someone's height. It can be used in different spheres, from the medical field to determine a patient's BMI to the fashion industry to determine what size clothes to buy.

It is becoming more and more crucial in today's global world to be able to work with measurements in many systems. The height converter tool is just one example of how important it is to be able to convert units of measurement.