Time & Date Calculators
Time to Decimal Calculator

Time to Decimal Calculator

Time to decimal calculator can convert the time format from hh:mm:ss to decimal hours, minutes, and seconds. Learn to convert hours to decimal form.


2.7625 hours
or 165.75 minutes
or 9945 seconds

There was an error with your calculation.

Table of Contents

  1. Using the Calculator
  2. Converting Time to Decimal Numbers Manually
  3. Applying Time Conversion
  4. Time Conversion Examples
    1. Construction
    2. Transportation
    3. Project Management
  5. The Short History of Decimal Time
  6. Conclusion

Time to Decimal Calculator

Do you convert time to decimal format at work? Our decimal time conversion calculator will make your job easier. Our time conversion calculator allows you to manage your time data more efficiently by converting hours to decimal form.

In just a few clicks you can easily convert 3 hours, 20 minutes and 10 seconds to = 3.3361 hours, 200.17 minutes or 12010 seconds. The calculator also shows you how hours are converted to decimal notation, so you can better understand the process of converting time to decimal notation.

So why waste precious time on manual time conversion when you can use our decimal time calculator? Try it out and see the great results!

Using the Calculator

This decimal time conversion calculator is designed to convert the time in hh:mm:ss format to decimal format.

Enter the time you want to convert to hours, minutes and seconds in the boxes provided. If you wish to convert 2 hours, 30 minutes and 40 seconds, enter "02:30:40" into the calculator to get the time in decimal notation.

The calculator will add up all the components to represent the result in hours, minutes and seconds. In our example, the final decimal equivalent would be 2.5111 hours, 150.67 minutes and 9040 seconds.

The decimal time converter allows users to see how time conversion works so they can better understand the process of converting time to decimal form.

Converting Time to Decimal Numbers Manually

The first step in converting hours to decimal system is understanding the relationship between the different time units. The information that there are 60 minutes, 3,600 seconds in an hour, and 60 seconds in a minute is obvious. However, you should keep this in mind when creating conversion coefficients.

Let's look at the example of 2:45:45, which means 2 hours, 45 minutes, and 45 seconds. To convert this time to hours, we need to multiply the:

  • hours by 1 (2 × 1 = 2 hours),
  • the minutes by 1/60 - because a minute is 1/60th of an hour (45 × 1/60 = 0.75 hours),
  • the seconds by 1/3600 - because a second is 1/3600 part of an hour (45 × 1/3600 = 0.0125 hours).

Summing these hours, minutes, and seconds together, we obtain 2 hours + 0.75 hours + 0.0125 hours = 2.7625 hours.

To convert time to minutes, we use a similar approach. We multiply:

  • hours by 60 (2 × 60 = 120 minutes),
  • the minutes by 1 (45 × 1 = 45 minutes),
  • and the seconds by 1/60 (45 × 1/60 = 0.75 minutes).

Putting these values together, we get 120 minutes + 45 minutes + 0.75 minutes = 165.75 minutes.

Finally, to convert the time to seconds, we multiply the:

  • hours by 3600 (2 × 3600 = 7200 seconds),
  • the minutes by 60 (45 × 60 = 2700 seconds),
  • and the seconds by (45 × 1 = 45 seconds).

Adding these results together, we obtain 7200 seconds + 2700 seconds + 45 seconds = 9945 seconds.

Applying Time Conversion

Time conversion is valuable in various applications, including finance, engineering, and project management.

In engineering, hour to decimal conversion helps calculate events' duration, such as machine performance or product life. By putting time in decimal form, engineers can better estimate how long a product will last and plan for repairs and replacements.

In project management, time conversion to decimal is used to track project progress and calculate the duration of various tasks and milestones.

In construction, converting time to decimal units can help contractors and project managers keep track of how much time and work has been spent on a job site. By dividing time into fractions of an hour, they can more easily figure out how much work and materials will cost and make adjustments to their budgets.

Time conversion to the decimal system in transportation and logistics can help companies better plan and optimize delivery routes. Time conversion makes it easier to calculate the time it takes for a truck to travel from one location to another and to organize its routes more efficiently.

Another vital application of time conversion to the decimal system is data analysis. Many data sets contain time values that need to be converted to a decimal format for analysis and visualization.

The time-to-decimal converter is a valuable tool in payroll management. It helps employers and managers accurately calculate how much time employees have worked and determine their compensation accordingly.

Time conversion to decimal units in manufacturing is essential for tracking and analyzing production efficiency. By tracking the time spent on each step of the manufacturing process, such as assembly and testing, manufacturers can identify areas where they can improve efficiency and reduce costs. In this way, they will better track the performance of their production lines and find ways to make them better.

In healthcare, decimal time conversion helps track patient care and staffing. Healthcare facilities can schedule staff accordingly and provide the best care to patients by tracking the amount of time spent on patient care.

In retail, decimal time conversion is used to track time spent on various tasks, such as shelf picking and customer service.

Time Conversion Examples


In construction, time conversion to the decimal system calculates the time spent on a particular task or project. For example, suppose a construction worker works on a project for 8 hours and 45 minutes. In that case, a time conversion calculator can convert that time to 8.75 hours. This will be useful for determining the amount of a bill for a client or for tracking an employee's productivity.


In transportation, time conversion to the decimal system allows you to calculate the time spent on a delivery or trip. For example, if a truck driver leaves at 8:00 a.m. and arrives at 4:15 p.m. The travel time is 8 hours and 15 minutes. A time-to-decimal conversion calculator can convert that time to 8.25 hours. This is handy for determining shipping costs or tracking driver performance.

Project Management

In project management, converting time to the decimal system allows you to calculate the time spent on a particular task or project. Suppose a project manager spent 16 hours and 15 minutes working on a project. In this case, the time conversion calculator can convert that time to 16.25 hours. This can be useful for determining the amount billed to a client, or for accounting for the manager's productivity.

The Short History of Decimal Time

There have been several attempts in history to introduce decimal time as a common standard for society. During the French Revolution, the National Assembly tried to introduce decimal time as a way to make French culture more rationalized. The new system divided the day into 10 hours, each of which consisted of 100 minutes. Each minute was divided into 100 seconds. This system was adopted in 1793 but abandoned in 1805.

In the 1920s and 1930s, the Soviet government again attempted to introduce decimal time in the USSR as part of plans for modernization and industrialization. In this system, the day was divided into 10 hours, each of which consisted of 100 minutes. Each minute was divided into 100 seconds. However, the population rejected this system because it was difficult for people to readjust to the new timekeeping system.

In the 1970s, the U.S. Metric Council proposed that the United States adopt decimal time. Still, this proposal was not widely supported and did not catch on.

Some scientists and researchers have said in the past few years that decimal time could be useful in computer science because it makes it easier to show and change time in digital systems.

In 2000, Dr. Peter L. Eckersley, a researcher at the University of California, wrote a paper about how we can use decimal time in computer networks to help keep time in distributed systems more accurate.

In 2002, Dr. David L. Mills, a professor of computer science at the University of Delaware, suggested that Network Time Protocol (NTP), a common way for computers on a network to keep their clocks in sync, use decimal time.

In 2011, Dr. Keith Marzullo, a professor of computer science at the University of California, San Diego, wrote a paper about how we can use decimal time in distributed systems to synchronize time better and make calculations and transformations related to time easier.

Meanwhile, no serious work has been done in the past few years to make decimal time a public standard.


The decimal time conversion calculator is needed for various fields such as construction, transport, logistics and many others. It allows you to convert time to the decimal system. Such a system helps you track and calculate time spent on projects and tasks more easily.

Understanding how to use the calculator and how to convert time to the decimal system can be useful to those who work in finance, engineering, and project management. The Time to Decimal Calculator is a valuable tool for those who want to track and tally the hours and minutes spent on important work processes.