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Annuity calculator that uses the formula FV = PV (1 + R)ⁿ to help investors calculate annuity growth over time and make retirement decisions.
End Balance: $157,013.80
Total Principal: $135,000.00
Total Interest: $22,013.80
Starting Principal
Year 0
Year 1
Year 2
Year 3
Year 4
Year 5
1 | $109731.97 | $3632.01 | $107000 | $110632.01 |
2 | $120704.6 | $7636.14 | $114000 | $121636.14 |
3 | $132061.28 | $12025.42 | $121000 | $133025.42 |
4 | $143815.43 | $16813.32 | $128000 | $144813.32 |
5 | $155980.98 | $22013.8 | $135000 | $157013.8 |
1 | $100000 | $288.76 | $100583.33 | $100872.1 |
2 | $100872.1 | $580.03 | $101166.67 | $101746.7 |
3 | $101746.7 | $873.81 | $101750 | $102623.81 |
4 | $102623.81 | $1170.11 | $102333.33 | $103503.44 |
5 | $103503.44 | $1468.93 | $102916.67 | $104385.6 |
6 | $104385.6 | $1770.29 | $103500 | $105270.29 |
7 | $105270.29 | $2074.18 | $104083.33 | $106157.52 |
8 | $106157.52 | $2380.62 | $104666.67 | $107047.29 |
9 | $107047.29 | $2689.62 | $105250 | $107939.62 |
10 | $107939.62 | $3001.18 | $105833.33 | $108834.51 |
11 | $108834.51 | $3315.31 | $106416.67 | $109731.97 |
12 | $109731.97 | $3632.01 | $107000 | $110632.01 |
Year 1 End | ||||
13 | $110632.01 | $3951.3 | $107583.33 | $111534.63 |
14 | $111534.63 | $4273.18 | $108166.67 | $112439.84 |
15 | $112439.84 | $4597.66 | $108750 | $113347.66 |
16 | $113347.66 | $4924.74 | $109333.33 | $114258.07 |
17 | $114258.07 | $5254.44 | $109916.67 | $115171.11 |
18 | $115171.11 | $5586.76 | $110500 | $116086.76 |
19 | $116086.76 | $5921.71 | $111083.33 | $117005.04 |
20 | $117005.04 | $6259.29 | $111666.67 | $117925.96 |
21 | $117925.96 | $6599.52 | $112250 | $118849.52 |
22 | $118849.52 | $6942.4 | $112833.33 | $119775.73 |
23 | $119775.73 | $7287.94 | $113416.67 | $120704.6 |
24 | $120704.6 | $7636.14 | $114000 | $121636.14 |
Year 2 End | ||||
25 | $121636.14 | $7987.02 | $114583.33 | $122570.36 |
26 | $122570.36 | $8340.58 | $115166.67 | $123507.25 |
27 | $123507.25 | $8696.84 | $115750 | $124446.84 |
28 | $124446.84 | $9055.78 | $116333.33 | $125389.12 |
29 | $125389.12 | $9417.44 | $116916.67 | $126334.1 |
30 | $126334.1 | $9781.81 | $117500 | $127281.81 |
31 | $127281.81 | $10148.89 | $118083.33 | $128232.23 |
32 | $128232.23 | $10518.71 | $118666.67 | $129185.38 |
33 | $129185.38 | $10891.26 | $119250 | $130141.26 |
34 | $130141.26 | $11266.56 | $119833.33 | $131099.89 |
35 | $131099.89 | $11644.61 | $120416.67 | $132061.28 |
36 | $132061.28 | $12025.42 | $121000 | $133025.42 |
Year 3 End | ||||
37 | $133025.42 | $12409 | $121583.33 | $133992.33 |
38 | $133992.33 | $12795.35 | $122166.67 | $134962.01 |
39 | $134962.01 | $13184.49 | $122750 | $135934.49 |
40 | $135934.49 | $13576.41 | $123333.33 | $136909.75 |
41 | $136909.75 | $13971.14 | $123916.67 | $137887.81 |
42 | $137887.81 | $14368.68 | $124500 | $138868.68 |
43 | $138868.68 | $14769.03 | $125083.33 | $139852.37 |
44 | $139852.37 | $15172.21 | $125666.67 | $140838.88 |
45 | $140838.88 | $15578.22 | $126250 | $141828.22 |
46 | $141828.22 | $15987.07 | $126833.33 | $142820.4 |
47 | $142820.4 | $16398.76 | $127416.67 | $143815.43 |
48 | $143815.43 | $16813.32 | $128000 | $144813.32 |
Year 4 End | ||||
49 | $144813.32 | $17230.74 | $128583.33 | $145814.07 |
50 | $145814.07 | $17651.03 | $129166.67 | $146817.7 |
51 | $146817.7 | $18074.2 | $129750 | $147824.2 |
52 | $147824.2 | $18500.27 | $130333.33 | $148833.6 |
53 | $148833.6 | $18929.23 | $130916.67 | $149845.89 |
54 | $149845.89 | $19361.09 | $131500 | $150861.09 |
55 | $150861.09 | $19795.88 | $132083.33 | $151879.21 |
56 | $151879.21 | $20233.58 | $132666.67 | $152900.25 |
57 | $152900.25 | $20674.22 | $133250 | $153924.22 |
58 | $153924.22 | $21117.79 | $133833.33 | $154951.12 |
59 | $154951.12 | $21564.32 | $134416.67 | $155980.98 |
60 | $155980.98 | $22013.8 | $135000 | $157013.8 |
Year 5 End |
There was an error with your calculation.
People have a lot of options when it comes to selecting the right investments for their portfolios. These investments include stocks, bonds, real estate, and cryptocurrencies. Each investment type has its own benefits and risks. For this reason, some investors turn to annuities as a safe alternative to protect them from changes in the market.
Annuities are special investments issued by insurance companies that are designed to provide a stable, consistent payment to the investor. In most cases, the insurance company guarantees a certain payment regardless of the condition of the market. This is useful for retired people since the payments will continue for the policyholder’s life.
Bob and Linda want to retire in 15 years. They are concerned that the value of their investments could decrease during their retirement, causing them to run out of money. They decide to invest a portion of their money in an insurance annuity to lock in guaranteed income to protect their portfolio. They invest $500,000 in an annuity that guarantees payment of approximately $2,100 per month.
Understanding the formula behind basic annuity growth is relatively simple. Interest accrued during each period is added to the starting balance and compounds over time.
The formula to perform an annuity calculation is:
FV = PV (1 + R)ⁿ
In many cases, investors will start with an initial amount and make additional investments over time. For example, an investor may start with a $100,000 annuity and contribute an additional $10,000 yearly until they retire. The calculation above is used to calculate the long-term growth of that initial investment. However, the calculation gets more complicated as additional payments are made. Fortunately, our annuity calculator handles all the complex calculations required to factor in additional periodic contributions.
An online annuity calculator makes calculating the growth of an insurance annuity easy. With just a few data points, you can decide if an annuity will provide the investment return that meets your financial needs.
Let’s say that you are planning to retire in 25 years. You believe that an insurance annuity will provide you with a stable income and want to start investing. You have $100,000 that you inherited to get started. You can also add $100 per month from your regular salary and $1,000 per year from your work bonus. Your insurance broker has recommended an annuity that earns 3.5% interest.
To run this calculation, enter the following values into the annuity calculator:
Once you hit the Calculate button, you’ll see that the total value of your annuity will be $322,759.31 saved for retirement after 25 years of investing.
Knowing how to correctly calculate annuity returns can help you make better financial decisions and understand if investing in an annuity is right for you. Here are some key benefits and helpful tips to make the most of our annuities calculator.